Frequently Asked Questions
Do we have a hazing?
No, we do not have a hazing. Instead we have some introduction activities. We believe a hazing is not needed for students to build close and long lasting friendships. Instead we believe that fun social activities and mutual interests provide the basis for connections between students. Within Fugax we value a safe and comfortable space wherein students can build meaningful friendships and develop themselves.
Is Fugax a traditional association?
No we are not, although we have our own traditions we are not a typical association. Unlike most associations in Maastricht we focus predominantly on activities like board-game nights, book-club, circle, murder-mystery nights, dinner-club and movie-nights. So if you enjoy playing boardgames rather than hanging in a bar, Fugax might be just for you!
Contribution fee
Fugax charges a contribution fee of €50,00 per academic year (moment of sign-up until the first GMA (General Members Assembly) after the intro period in September 2024). You can also apply for a half-year subscription (moment of sign-up until the first GMA after the intro period in February) for €28,00.
Does Fugax have a physical location?
We are currently in the process of obtaining a building. We cannot disclose any information regarding the location yet, however we expect to be able to update our members on the progression with the building in October 2023.
How can I sign up?
You can sign up using our sign-up form, which can be found here.
When can I sign up?
Subscriptions are open! You can sign up for a full year or half-year subscription until 16/10/2023. After this the half-year subscription sign-up will re-open in February.
How many members does Fugax have?
We have about 150 members
What is circle?
Circle is a bi-weekly meeting that focuses on connecting students and mental-health. During these meetings students will get the opportunity to discuss topics like: stress and study, self-care, family and relationships, sexuality, culture and personality, mental-health etc. In circle everything that is told remains within your circle group and a big part relies on mutual respect and trust.
Can I join a committee within Fugax?
Yes you can join a committee. Currently we have a:
- INKOM committee: this committee is responsible for organising the activities during the INKOM period
- Activities committee: this committee is responsible for organising weekly activities for the association like game-nights, murder-mystery nights, small trips and more. You can sign-up at the beginning of the academic year
- Treasury committee: this committee is responsible for overseeing and checking the monetary balance of Fugax
- D&D committee: this committee will set up the D&D groups as well as keep track of what materials are being borrowed by the groups. Furthermore they will organise courses for dungeons masters and have a few one-shot campaigns for members to try-out
- Circle/Book-club committee: each member of this committee will take on either a circle or a book-club group
How much time does being in a committee cost?
Committees meet weekly/bi-weekly (depending on what they prefer) where they discuss plans (4/8 hours monthly). Committee members also are expected to be present at the activities they organise (2-4h weekly). Furthermore committees can work independently on activities and the time this will cost is very dependent on how busy the committee is during a certain period of time. Being in a committee costs about 2-8 hours per week. Do note that this can differ for different committees. The INKOM committee for example will mainly be busy during INKOM itself and in the months before INKOM, however during the rest of the year there is very little work for the INKOM committee whereas the activities committee will have a more steady amount of work throughout the year.
When was Fugax founded?
Fugax was founded in September of 2022.
What activities does Fugax provide?
- Year-club: small group of people that meet up weekly to have dinner together.
- Book-club: currently there is a crime/thriller and a fantasy book-club. These groups read the same book over the course of six weeks and post discuss it afterwards
- Board-game nights: every two weeks there is a board-game night at Que Pasa Maastricht where you can enjoy a drink and have a chat with fellow members
- Circle: bi-weekly meeting surrounding mental health
- Movie-nights: we have regular movie-nights where you can vote on a movie which we’ll watch together and usually go for a drink afterwards
- DnD club: In this club, you can form teams for playing DnD campaigns. You will also have access to certain DnD materials to use within Fugax
- Other: murder-mystery nights, jump-square, power-point drinks, party’s, collabs etc